Friday, March 30, 2007

Cheap Code Signing with Your Thawte Freemail Certificate

As I am always loosing this, I better write it down.

There is nice way how to sign your jars using Thawte Freemail Certificate. I think it is fine for code given out for free.

<signjar keystore="your_keystore.p12"
<fileset dir="${client.deploy.dir}/lib">
<include name="**/*" />

Step by step guide:
  1. Ask Thawte for your certificate.
  2. Download it to your Firefox.
  3. Choose Edit/Preferences/Encryption/View Certificates/<select>/Backup (use PKCS12)
  4. If you don't know your alias use this to list it:
    keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore your_keystore.p12


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bug Fixing what a "fun".

My the worst nightmare struck again. I have been asked for taking care of important piece of code and as soon as I said yes it happened.
Nice bug popped out of it.
As one can imagine the bug was of coarse a showstopper.
Reading, debugging, putting messages everywhere (it is a multi threaded and communicating with technology devices on very low level).

So, after all, I got it fixed.

Point? Always implement basic structures carefully with long term vision and focus on readability of your code.

(Implementing stack as Object[] stack = new Object(10); is a very bad idea ... indeed.)
